
Set Operators

Ø  These Operators are used to combine information of similar data type from one or more than one table.
Ø  Data type of the corresponding columns in all the select statements should be same.
Ø  The different types of SET Operators are…
Ø  SET Operators can combine two or More Queries into one result.
Ø  The result of each select statement can be treated as a set, and SQL set operations can be applied on those sets to arrive at a final result.
Ø  SQL Statements containing SET Operators are referred to as compound queries, and each select statement in a compound query is referred to as a component query.
Ø  Set operators are often called vertical joins, as the result combines data from two or more selects based on columns instead of rows.
The Generic Syntax:
<Component query>
<Component query>;
Combines the result of two select statements into one result set, and then eliminates any duplicate rows from that result set.
Combines the result of two select statements into one result set including duplicates.
Returns only those rows that are returned by each of two select statements.
Takes the result set of one select statement, and removes those rows that are also returned by a second select statement.
Point of Concentration:
Ø  The Queries are all executed independently but their output is merged.
Ø  Only Final query ends with a semicolon.
Rules and Restrictions:
Ø  The result sets of both the queries must have the same number of columns.
Ø  The data type of each column in the second result set must match the data type of its corresponding column in the first result set.
Ø  The two select statements may not contain an order by clause, the final result of the entire set operations can be ordered.
Ø  The columns used for ordering must be defined through the column number.
  • Select Empno, Ename From Emp where Deptno = 10 UNION Select Empno, Ename From Emp where deptno = 30 Order by 1; 
  • Select Empno, Ename, Job From Emp where Deptno = (Select Deptno From Dept where Dname = ’SALES’ ) UNION Select Empno, Ename, Job From Emp Where Deptno = (select Deptno From Dept Where Dname = ’ACCOUNTING’ ) Order by 1;
  •  Select Empno, Ename From Emp where Deptno = 10 UNION ALL Select Empno, Ename From Emp where Deptno = 30 Order by 1;
  • Select Empno, Ename From Emp where Deptno =10 INTERSECT Select Empno, Ename From Emp where Deptno = 30 Order by 1;
  • Select Empno, Ename From Emp where Deptno = 10 MINUS Select Empno, Ename From Emp where Deptno = 30 order by 1;
  • Select Job From Emp where Deptno = 20 UNION Select Job From Emp where deptno  = 30;
  • Select Job From Emp where Deptno = 20 UNION ALL select Job From Emp where deptno = 30;
  • Select Job From Emp where Deptno = 20 INTERSECT select Job From Emp where deptno = 30;
  • Select Job From Emp where Deptno = 20 MINUS select Job From Emp where deptno = 10;
  • Select ROWNUM, Ename From Emp where ROWNUM < 7 MINUS Select ROWNUM, Ename From Emp where ROWNUM < 6;