
DRL (Data Retrieval Language)

This will be used for the retrieval of the data from the database. In order to see the data present in the database, we will use DRL statement. We have only one DRLstatement.
  •  SELECT is the only one DRL statement in SQL. 

Select statement is used to see the data present in the database. Syntax for writing this statement is,
  •  SELECT columns_list FROM table_name; 
If we want to see the data present in all the columns of the table, then we can use following syntax, 
  • SELECT * FROM table_name; 
To check data present in all the columns of Emp table, 
  • SELECT * FROM Emp; 
To check data present in specific columns of the table, we will use first syntax. 
  •  SELECT empno,ename FROM Emp; 
In this I am just checking data present in empno and ename columns.